TrueFunction Chest Masculinization/Breast Removal/Mastectomy

Male Chest Surgery

TrueFunction Chest Surgery/ Breast Removal (Mastectomy)

Unfortunately, very few TS*males know that longer periods of breast binding – sometimes years – drastically reduce the skin’s elasticity and are responsible for poor blood supply to these tissues – and thus increase the chances for complications during breast removal surgery.

Mastectomy is basically available for a TS*guy immediately after he gets psychotherapist (psychologist for non-Indian countries) clearance. Psychotherapist clearance (psychologist for non-Indian countries) allows him to start HRT. We at Olmec encourage you to wait for around 3 months before getting your mastectomy – this way hopefully avoiding an impulse decision that might be regretted at a later time – and also to get further self-confirmation that this is a step you really want to take.

Dr. Kaushik’s goal with his TrueFunction mastectomy is to leave minimum scarring in this highly visible area. This is why he uses two techniques for his mastectomy – depending on which breast type the patient has that he wants to have removed:

TrueFunction Keyhole Surgery

Semi-circular incisions are placed at the base of the areolas. The breast tissues get completely removed. Since the areola and the nipples are not removed, the sensation is preserved naturally. Keyhole mastectomy delivers flawless male contours with natural sensation of both areolas and both nipples.

TrueFunction Double-Incision Surgery

Two horizontal incisions are placed on the breast above and below the nipple0areola complex (NAC). The breast tissue, the nipple, and the areola get removed along with it. The upper and lower incisions are elevated and joined by a suture, with the suture line moving below the pectoral muscles, thus leading to normal contours. The removed free ANC graft gets decreased to proper male proportions and is then placed at the anatomically correct position on the newly created male chest. However, the patient should not expect sensation to develop in the areolas or the nipples since the nerve connection to the ANC complex was cut due to the incision technique used to have them removed during the mastectomy procedure. A nipple touch-up procedure is quite regularly common to achieve the best possible cosmetic result.

Unfortunately, the common belief that breast circumference is the main factor in deciding which mastectomy technique will be used for the patient is incorrect.

The two main factors which are relevant in deciding which mastectomy type to use for the patient are

  • breast skin laxity
  • volume of the breast

Your extensive consultation with Dr. Kaushik will give you all further additional information you need to be sure to choose the best possible mastectomy option for you.

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