Face lift And Neck lift Surgery

Facelift And Neck Lift

Facelift is a very common procedure in Male to Female candidates as a part of general anti-aging treatment. Older faces with wrinkles tend to give masculine appearance more so because of hollow appearance in mid face. Facial Feminization procedures lead to swelling and in older patients the skin may give sagging look after disappearance of swelling as the swelling stretches the soft tissues.

Young candidates don’t have this problem owing to good elasticity of skin and soft tissues

Procedure: Facelift also known as Rhytidectomy, is a meticulous procedure to restore the normal and anatomical vectors of facial tissue layers (skin & underlying muscles). The procedure is carried out with hidden small incisions / endoscopically to rectify the wrinkled and saggy skin. In this way jowls (hanging jaw skin), chin folds, and neck folds are corrected leading to much younger look. Facelift can be combined with other facial feminization procedures Like Forehead correction, Blepharoplasty, Nose correction, chin contouring, fat grafting, chin liposuction / chin augmentation etc.

Duration of Procedure: 2 – 4 hrs.

Anaesthesia: General / Local with sedation.

Recovery Time: Back to work in 7 to 14 days. Mild swelling / bruising may persist for a couple of days

Longevity of Results: Long-lasting (you will look much younger than your age).

Recognised by International Institutes